Staff corrective action


The purpose of this policy is to provide an effective and equitable process for the issuance of corrective action to staff employees who fail to meet the university’s standards of work performance.


All staff employees (“hereinafter employees”) are expected to meet Lynn University’s standards of work performance. Work performance encompasses many factors, including attendance, punctuality, personal conduct, job proficiency, and general compliance with the university’s policies and procedures. If an employee does not meet these standards, the university may, under appropriate circumstances, take corrective action, up to and including immediate termination.

The university does not imply, represent or promise that one form of corrective action will necessarily precede another. Ultimately, the course of action will be determined in the sole discretion of the university on a case-by-case basis.

Corrective action generally will be administered by the employee's immediate supervisor. Investigations into alleged non-compliance with university policies, procedures, or standards will be conducted in coordination with Employee Services. In some circumstances, corrective action may be administered by the employee's department head or Employee Services.

This policy does not create a contract implied or expressed, with any Lynn University staff employees, who are employees at will. The university reserves the right to modify this policy in whole or in part, at any time, at the discretion of the university. Moreover, this policy is not intended to apply to statements or actions protected under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

Note: Reports of discrimination and sexual harassment in violation of Title IX will be investigated and resolved pursuant to the university’s Employee non-discrimination and anti-harassment or Sexual harassment (Title IX) policy, as applicable.


Standards of work performance—encompasses many factors, including attendance, punctuality, personal conduct, job proficiency, and general compliance with the university’s policies and procedures.


I. Types of corrective action

The intent of corrective action is to formally communicate problems while providing the employee with a reasonable time within which to improve work performance. The process is designed to encourage development by providing employees with guidance in areas that need improvement such as poor work performance, attendance problems, personal conduct, general compliance with university policies and procedures and/or other conduct issues.

Where Lynn University believes that an infraction of written or unwritten standards or practices, including failure to maintain high standards of performance, may have occurred, Lynn University may take any of the following actions, at any time and in any order:

  • Counseling (verbal or documented);
  • Performance improvement plans;
  • Probationary periods;
  • Suspension with or without pay;
  • Termination of employment.

Lynn University reserves the right to terminate employment, without warning, for any reason or no reason, even if the action constitutes a first offense.

II. Written corrective action

Generally, the supervisor should discuss a significant problem and present a written summary of changes needed to the employee in the presence of an Employee Services representative. Supervisors must contact Employee Services for guidance prior to administering corrective action beyond verbal counseling and before terminating an individual’s employment for any reason. Written corrective action provided to employees should identify the problem and expectations moving forward.

An employee may be asked to acknowledge receipt of the corrective action. Should the employee choose not to sign, the supervisor acknowledges this on the document, signs it, and sends the document to Employee Services. Employees also may provide written comments within a reasonable period of time after receiving the corrective action that may be placed in the employee’s personnel file in Employee Services, at the discretion of Employee Services.

If there is no change or improvement in performance or behavior following corrective action, further corrective action up to and including possible termination of employment will generally follow. Determination of which action is appropriate should be made after consultation with Employee Services and the department head.

Employees who have had formal corrective action may not be eligible for salary increases, bonus awards, promotions or transfers during the same performance review cycle.

III. Leave pending investigation

In cases where the employee’s presence at work may interfere with the performance of a university investigation or pose a threat to others, the employee in question may be placed on administrative leave with or without pay pending the outcome of any investigation conducted by the university. The area vice president or dean, in consultation with the employee’s supervisor and Employee Services will be responsible for approving the placement of an employee on administrative leave when warranted.

To learn more about this policy or the supporting procedures, please contact Employee Services.

Policy updated on: Jun. 1, 2021