Employment of relatives


The purpose of this Policy is to ensure a fair and measured approach to employment of relatives and avoids the conflicts that can arise from nepotism.


At Lynn University, there is no general prohibition against hiring relatives or close personal relations. However, the University has established several restrictions to help prevent problems of safety, security, supervision and morale.

While the University does accept and consider applications for employment from relatives or close personal relations, such as parents, grandparents, children, spouses, domestic partners, brothers, sisters or in-laws, it will not hire or transfer these persons into positions where they directly or indirectly supervise or are supervised by another close personal relative. Further, these relatives will not be placed in positions where they work with or have access to sensitive information regarding a close personal relation, or if there is an actual or apparent conflict of interest. Employment of relatives in the same unit or department or under the same supervisor is authorized only with the prior written approval of a Cabinet member as appropriate. In addition, relatives should not participate in roles that have the potential for influencing employment decisions, (e.g., peer review).

Employees who become immediate family members or establish a romantic relationship may continue employment as long as it does not involve any of the situations outlined above. Should one of the situations outlined occur, the University will make reasonable efforts to assign job duties so as to avoid conflict. If accommodations of this nature are not feasible, the employees will be permitted to determine which of them will resign or, if they cannot make a decision, the University will decide in its sole discretion, who will remain employed. See the University Romantic and Sexual Relationships Policy for additional information.


Relatives or Close Personal Relations—means parents, grandparents, children, spouses, domestic partners, brothers, sisters, or in-laws.


Not applicable.

To learn more about this policy or the supporting procedures, please contact Employee Services.

Policy updated on: Oct. 24, 2018