Advancement in rank


The purpose of this policy is to establish criteria and procedures for the advancement of rank for members of the full-time faculty.


As part of the procedure for advancement in rank, the university will, on an ongoing basis, develop and refine appropriate evaluative instruments. Factors considered for advancement in rank are teaching ability, service to the university, dedication to the basic philosophy and goals of the university, scholarly achievement, and time-in-rank. In certain programs, professional experience in the area may be a factor. The primary duty of all faculty members at Lynn University is teaching. Consequently, the university is much more focused on the quality of instruction than it is with scholarly research. However, this in no way should preclude a faculty member from undertaking research or publication. The university encourages original research and publication or presentation of papers by its faculty and will provide assistance for travel when possible. Please refer to the university’s Faculty development policy for additional information.

A full-time faculty member who is eligible for advancement in rank should develop a dossier consisting of:

  • Letter of intent
    • Proof of terminal degree or explanation of how the candidate otherwise meets this requirement
    • Proof of time in rank or explanation of how candidate otherwise meets this requirement
    • Summary of teaching effectiveness, record of service and record of scholarly activity
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Evidence of teaching effectiveness
  • Evidence of a record of service
  • Evidence of a record of scholarly activity
  • Letters of recommendation
    • Minimum of two letters of recommendation
    • One of which should be from a recommender outside of the university who can attest to the academic qualifications of the applicant
    • Members from rank and advancement committee may not write letters of recommendation
    • All letters are to be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
  1. Vice President for Academic Affairs will forward letters of recommendation to the appropriate College Dean
  2. Vice President for Academic Affairs will forward letters of recommendation to the committee on rank and advancement

The appropriate College Dean and, the committee on rank and advancement will make a recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will take those recommendations, along with his/her own informed and independent recommendation to the president regarding each applicant for advancement in rank. The decision regarding advancement rests solely with the President and the Board of Trustees after their respective independent reviews.

In case of a request for evaluation before the completion of the standard time in rank, the person may be advised that his/her progress is satisfactory, and that his/her work is considered favorably, but that there is no highly unusual attainment that would support recommendation for advancement before completion of the standard time in rank.

In case of failure to meet the criteria required for advancement, the person will be advised of these deficiencies. At a later date, when the deficiencies have been removed, the person may make a new request.


Not applicable.


I. Criteria for advancement in rank

Advancement from one rank to another is not automatic. A recommendation for advancement in rank will be based upon positive accomplishments, not merely upon time served and an absence of serious deficiencies. Only the accomplishment and performance of the faculty member in the rank currently held should be considered for advancement to the next rank.

In order to be considered for advancement in rank, a full-time faculty member must complete three (3) years full-time teaching at Lynn University, possess the requisite academic degree (or its equivalent) in an appropriate discipline from an accredited institution or internationally recognized institution of higher education before the date of the application for advancement, and receive verification from the appropriate College Dean. In addition, the candidate must meet the following minimum standards:

  1. Instructor to Assistant Professor: To advance to the rank of Assistant Professor and individual must:
    1. Either: (i) Hold a master’s degree and have made substantive progress toward obtaining a doctorate or its equivalent; or (ii) hold a terminal degree appropriate to the discipline; or (iii) hold multiple Master’s degrees that serve the needs of the university or faculty member’s college; or (iv) hold a master’s degree and substantial professional, artistic, or other relevant experience.
    2. Have three (3) years full-time teaching experience at Lynn University.
    3. Demonstrate teaching effectiveness and evidence of contributions to education at Lynn University.
    4. Provide a record of service (community, university, and or disciplinary).
  2. Assistant Professor to Associate Professor: To advance to the rank of Associate Professor an individual must:
    1. Hold a terminal degree appropriate to the discipline.
    2. Have five (5) years of full-time teaching at the Assistant Professor level at a regionally accredited institution or an internationally recognized institution of higher education, three years of which must have been completed at Lynn University.
    3. Demonstrate teaching effectiveness and evidence of contributions to education at Lynn University.
    4. Provide a record of service (community, university, and/or disciplinary).
    5. Demonstrate a record of scholarly activity.
  3. Associate Professor to Full Professor: To advance to the rank of Full Professor an individual must:
    1. Hold a terminal degree appropriate to the discipline.
    2. Have seven (7) years of full-time teaching at the Associate Professor level at a regionally accredited institution or an internationally recognized institution of higher education, three years of which must have been completed at Lynn University.
    3. Demonstrate teaching effectiveness and evidence of contributions to education.
    4. Provide a record of service (community, university, and/or disciplinary).
    5. Demonstrate a record of scholarly activity.

It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide documentary evidence substantiating the above requirements.

II. Timeline for Advancement in Rank

On or before October 1 – deadline for faculty member to notify the College Dean of intent to seek advancement in rank.

On or before December 1 – all promotion materials due to College Dean from the promotion applicant.

On or before January 15 – all promotion materials due to Committee on Rank and Advancement from the promotion applicant.

On or before February 15 – deadline for first meeting of the Committee on Rank and Advancement.

On or before April 1 – Recommendations from the Committee and College Dean are due to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who will forward to the President.

III. Advancement in rank procedures

Each College will elect a representative to the Committee on Rank and Advancement in the fall term of each year, as needed. Representatives must hold the rank of full professor or where appropriate, senior faculty with the rank of Associate Professor. Upon receipt of the materials, the committee will select a member from a college other than that of the applicant to present each faculty member applying for advancement in rank. All members are expected to review materials from each applicant. Each applicant will be discussed at the conclusion of the committee member’s presentation.

After all applicants have been reviewed and discussed the committee will vote on each application. The representative from the applicant’s college will refrain from voting.

The committee member representing the applicant will write a letter on behalf of the committee to convey the results of the vote and provide evidence to support the committee’s recommendation. The committee’s written letter will include a summary of the candidate’s qualifications for the rank as evaluated pursuant to the performance evaluation criteria set forth in the Faculty evaluation policy. For a positive recommendation, the majority of the committee members must affirmatively vote for the candidate to be promoted at a meeting in which two-thirds (2/3rds) of the committee’s membership is present, as per the Bylaws of the Lynn University Academic Council. Any dissenting opinions, as well as a record of each vote without the name of the specific committee member attached to it, will also be included in the report.

All committee recommendations will be reviewed by the committee, edited if necessary and then sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who will forward all materials, as well as an independent written recommendation, to the President. The Vice President for Academic Affairs’ independent recommendation to the President will include a summary of the candidate’s qualifications for the ranks, as evaluated pursuant to the performance evaluation criteria set forth in the faculty evaluation policy. If the Vice President for Academic Affairs did not accept the Committee on Rank and Advancement’s recommendation, the Vice President for Academic Affair’s written recommendation will delineate the reasons and rationale for not accepting the recommendation.

The President renders a final decision by April 30th, or at the conclusion of the next board meeting. The President’s independent decision will include an assessment of the applicant’s qualification, taking into account all prior recommendations, as evaluated pursuant to the performance evaluation criteria set forth in the faculty evaluation policy. If the President did not agree with the Committee on Rank and Advancement or the Vice President for Academic Affairs recommendations , the President’s decision will include the rationale for disagreeing with the recommendation(s).

The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall inform each applicant of the President’s decision regarding promotion and provide the Chair of the Committee on Rank and Advancement of notice of the same. If advancement in rank is awarded by the President, the new rank becomes effective on the first day of the following academic year.

To learn more about this policy or the supporting procedures, please contact Academic Affairs.

Policy updated on: Jun. 1, 2021