Operating bylaws of the Lynn University Academic Council


In order to promote the mission and goals of Lynn University, the Administration and Faculty must deliberate upon and make recommendations to the President concerning matters important to the academic life of the University. Such matters shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, curriculum, learning and teaching, the educational environment, academic standards, professional development, and relevant institutional planning. Therefore by means of these Operating Bylaws, Lynn University formally establishes an Academic Council.

Article I - Members of the Council

The Council shall consist of the following:

  • President of Lynn University;
  • Members of the President’s Cabinet;
  • Vice President for Academic Affairs (ex officio);
  • Registrar (ex officio);
  • All college deans;
  • All full-time faculty;
  • All library professional staff (ex officio);
  • All directors of academic units, programs, or related student services; and
  • Any part time or visiting faculty upon successful application to the Executive Committee (ex officio).

Article II - Purview of the Council

The Council, through its standing committees, shall be empowered to discuss, examine, assess and recommend, to the President or his/her designee, policies relevant to the academic life of Lynn University. Recommendations of the Council and its standing committees constitute formal approval at their level. Further, the Council shall be responsible for establishing those policies and procedures that ensure free exercise of the Council’s authority. Such policies and procedures shall involve evaluating the operation and effectiveness of the Council, and recommending changes, as appropriate.

Article III - Officers of the Council

Section 1 - Chair of the Academic Council

The Chair of the Academic Council shall be the President of the University.

Section 2 - Vice Chair of the Academic Council

The Vice Chair of the Academic Council shall be elected from the Council membership. The Vice Chair shall be a full time faculty member. The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in conducting Council business. In addition, the Vice Chair shall:

  • Serve as Chair in the absence of the Chair, or upon designation by the Chair;
  • Serve as parliamentarian of the Council or designate a Council member as parliamentarian;
  • Convene the first meeting of each Standing Committee during the Fall Semester, and oversee the election of each Standing Committee Chair and Secretary;
  • Forward formal recommendations from the Council and Standing Committees to the Vice President for Academic Affairs;
  • Distribute a copy of the agenda to the Vice President for Academic Affairs to assure a comprehensive and relevant agenda prior to each general Academic Council meeting;
  • Invite, on an annual basis, the Vice President for Enrollment Management or his/her designee to submit an annual report to the Academic Council at the first regularly scheduled meeting each academic year;
  • Call for nominations for Vice Chair and Secretary at second to last meeting of Vice Chair’s term. The ballot must be announced at least two weeks prior to the last meeting of the Vice Chair’s term; and
  • Call for elections of Vice Chair and Secretary at the last meeting of Vice Chair’s term.

Section 3 - Secretary of the Academic Council

The Secretary of the Academic Council shall be elected from the Council membership. The Secretary shall record minutes of Academic Council meetings and record the results of any formal voting. In the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair, the Secretary shall become the temporary presiding officer for the duration of the meeting. The Secretary shall prepare and distribute, to Council members, the agenda and the minutes of each Council meeting in electronic or print format. The Secretary shall receive and archive minutes from the Academic Council meetings and from each Standing Committee meeting. All minutes shall be stored where accessible by all members of the Academic Council.

Section 4 - Executive Committee of the Academic Council

The Executive Committee of the Academic Council shall consist of the elected Vice Chair of the Council, elected Secretary of the Council, Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University, and the elected Chairs of the Standing Committees of the Academic Council.

Its responsibilities are:

• to assure a comprehensive and relevant agenda for all meetings;
• to make recommendations to the Chair and Vice Chair regarding all Council matters;
• to set priorities for the Council and its committees;
• to oversee compliance of Operating Bylaw matters and election procedures;
• to oversee the voting activities of the Council; and
• to review the applications of part time or visiting faculty seeking Council membership.

Article IV - Academic Council Committees

The Standing Committees of the Academic Council shall be: Faculty Standards and Professional Development; Curriculum and Academic Standards; and Rank and Advancement.

Section 1 - General Guidelines

Purview and Charge: The primary business and responsibilities of the Academic Council will be conducted by the Standing Committees. The membership of those committees serve as representatives of the entire Council pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 and therefore must be selected with due care. Within the purview and charge of each committee is the responsibility to keep the faculty informed, involved, and represented.

Quorum: At the start of each academic year, each college shall forward the names of the members representing that college in each of the three Standing Committees to the Vice Chair of the Academic Council. The list of names shall be used in defining the quorum necessary for committee business. A quorum for each Standing Committees is two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership on that committee.

Proposals to committees: Proposals presented to the Standing Committees of the Academic Council shall be introduced as “New Business” and open for discussion at the time that they are introduced. However, such recommendations shall not be subject to formal approval by the Committee until the next regularly scheduled Committee meeting. At that time, such proposals shall be reintroduced as “Unfinished Business,” and will be subject to further discussion prior to formal consideration. When urgent matters must be addressed, additional meetings of the Standing Committees may be called by the Chair of the Standing Committees. Committee meetings will be open to any member of the Academic Council.

Voting: Voting within the Standing Committees shall be by voice vote. Members who choose to abstain from voting may do so, but their presence will be used in determining the two-thirds (2/3) of voting members necessary to have a quorum. The outcome of a vote shall be determined by a simple majority of the members expressing their vote. Once the votes are tallied, voting on that item is concluded. Members who cast a vote may not later change their vote, nor can abstaining members reconsider their position and later cast a vote. Ex-officio members are excluded from voting.

In extremely rare and urgent situations, Committee business may be conducted by the Executive Committee. Minutes of the Executive Committee must be distributed to the Academic Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting, and must include the compelling reason for the Executive Committee meeting.

Appointment of ad hoc committees: Ad hoc committees will be appointed by the Chair or Vice Chair of the Council, when required. At the conclusion of their business, ad hoc committees will make a final report to the Academic Council.

Section 2 - Membership of Standing Committees

Formation of Standing Committees: At the first regular meeting of each college and the Conservatory, during the fall semester, up to two representatives for specific faculty committees, as prescribed, will be elected by the faculty of that unit. All members of faculty committees must be full-time faculty members and will be elected for two-year terms. During the first subsequent meeting, or at the first meeting of the academic year in the fall semester, or if required by the removal of an officer, each Standing Committee shall be called upon by the Vice Chair of the Academic Council to elect its own Chair and Secretary. The Chair and Secretary each shall serve two-year terms. The Chair of each Standing Committee shall conduct each meeting and ensure all documentation is filled out and properly routed. Each Chair is a de-facto member of the Executive Committee. The Secretary of each Standing Committee must maintain a record (e.g., agenda and minutes) of all Committee meetings. The Standing Committee Secretary shall forward the minutes to the Secretary of the Academic Council. In the absence of the Chair, the Secretary will temporarily assume duties of the Chair.

Any elected Standing Committee officer may be recalled for just cause by affirmative vote of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the current voting membership of that committee.

If the service of a committee member is deemed detrimental to that member’s primary academic responsibilities, the member’s Dean may remove said member from any committee. The Dean may appoint a temporary representative until the college can elect a replacement member to serve out the remainder of the original member’s term.

No Committee Chair, Secretary, or member may be re-elected to serve more than one successive (consecutive) term, except by prior approval of the Council Chair. The Council Vice Chair shall be a member ex-officio (non-voting) of all Faculty Committees.

Multiple Committee Service: Faculty members shall not serve on more than one committee, except upon approval of the Chair of the Academic Council or the Chair’s designee.

Section 3 - The Standing Committees of the Academic Council

The Standing Committees of the Academic Council shall be: Faculty Standards and Professional Development Committee; Curriculum and Academic Standards; and Rank and Advancement.

Faculty Standards and Professional Development Committee

Purview and Charge: This Committee’s responsibilities are to consider and make recommendations concerning opportunities for professional development in such areas as teaching pedagogy, student learning and assessment, curriculum design, scholarship, research and public service. This Committee’s responsibilities are to consider and make recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on all matters pertaining to: the standards and criteria used for determining faculty competence, rank, promotion, salary, merit pay, other remuneration, contractual parameters, and eligibility for sabbatical or other leave of absence arrangements. In addition, the committee shall make recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on issues of professional concern and any other policies as deemed appropriate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Membership: Two members from each College and from the Conservatory. On matters requiring a vote, other than electing officers, each college will cast a single vote. Each person will get a vote when deciding on Committee Chair and Secretary.

Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee

Purview and Charge: This Committee’s responsibilities are to make recommendations concerning curriculum, standards and assessment, including, but not limited to: curriculum process; review of all proposals for new courses and new programs for duplication and conformity; minimum academic standards required for acceptable student performance; and issues concerning standards in teaching and learning. The University Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee will review new course proposals and new program proposals once they have been approved by the Dean of the college where the proposal originates. The University Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee will review all proposals for academic merit, consistent rigor, potential overlap and/or duplication with existing courses and programs, minimum academic standards required for acceptable student performance, and issues concerning standards in teaching and learning, and make recommendations. If the University Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee approves a course or program, the Chair will notify the Dean of the originating college.

Notifications: The University Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee will be notified for course name or number changes, changes in prerequisites, course description changes, program changes (if no new courses are needed), and program name changes.

Procedures for Curriculum Changes:

Please see Curriculum Development Policy.

Membership: Up to two members from each college, the Conservatory, and the Registrar (ex-officio and non-voting). On matters requiring a vote, other than electing officers, each college will cast a single vote. Each voting member will get a vote when deciding on Committee Chair and Secretary.

Committee on Rank and Advancement

Purview and Charge: The Committee Rank and Advancement is responsible for reviewing all advancement in rank applications and making recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Procedures for Promotion: The general procedure and timeline for advancement in rank are described in the Advancement in Rank Policy.

Membership: One member from each college and the Conservatory with the rank of Professor, or where deemed appropriate, senior faculty with the rank of Associate Professor.

Section 4 - The Dialogues Steering Committee

Purview and Charge: The Dialogues Steering Committee’s responsibilities are to oversee and make recommendations concerning the undergraduate core curriculum, the Dialogues of Learning. The Steering Committee, under the direction of the Chair of the Dialogues and the Vice President for Academic Affairs, reviews all proposals for courses, curricular changes, and other substantive changes in the requirements or standards. The Committee also makes recommendations for faculty development programs to support the quality of teaching and learning within the core curriculum.

All proposals for Dialogue courses must be reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee to insure the academic integrity and consistency of standards within the core curriculum.

The Dialogues Steering Committee will forward recommendations regarding substantive changes in the curriculum to the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee of Academic Council.

Membership: The Chair of the Dialogues serves as the Chair of the Steering committee. Other members are appointed by the Chair of the Dialogues based upon their qualifications. At least eight members of the faculty with a minimum of three years of teaching in the Dialogues will serve on the Committee. In addition, a professional staff member from the institute for Achievement and Learning will also serve on an annual basis.

Article V - Meetings of the Council

Section 1 - Organizational Meeting for the Election of Officers

At the last regularly-scheduled meeting of the Academic Council, typically during the Spring Semester of the academic year, the Council shall conduct an election for Vice Chair and Secretary. All nominees must have been teaching full-time at the University for at least three years, and served on at least one Academic Council Standing Committee. The Executive Committee shall prepare, under the direction of the Vice Chair, and announce a slate at least two weeks prior to the election. Nominations will be taken from the floor at the last Academic Council meeting of the academic year only if there are no candidates on the ballot for Vice Chair and/or Secretary. The Vice Chair and Secretary shall be elected by a plurality vote of a quorum of the voting Council membership to serve a term of two academic years, commencing in the subsequent fall semester. An officer may be re-elected to serve a successive (consecutive) term. A Council member’s vote shall be counted only if the Council member is both (a) present at the election and (b) has presented a completed, written ballot to the Executive Committee. Proxy votes shall not be permitted, and ex-officio members are excluded from voting.

Section 2 - Regular Meetings

Meetings of the Academic Council shall be held at least two times during each of the Fall and Spring Semesters as scheduled and arranged by the Chair or Vice Chair.

Section 3 - Additional Meetings

The Council Chair, Vice Chair, or Vice President for Academic Affairs may call additional meetings of the Academic Council when required.

Section 4 - Procedure for Meetings

Agenda: New business for inclusion on the Council Agenda should be submitted in writing to the Council Secretary at least one week prior to a scheduled Council meeting. The agenda will be reviewed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice Chair of the Council and distributed to Council members, by the Secretary, at least two days prior to the Council meeting.

Quorum: A quorum of the Academic Council shall consist of at least 1/2 (one-half) of the current voting Council membership. A quorum for the Standing Committees shall consist of at least 2/3 (two-thirds) of the Committee’s current voting membership.

Order of Business:

  • Call to Order;
  • Agenda Approval;
  • Minutes Approval;
  • Reports;
  • Unfinished Business;
  • New Business;
  • For the Good of the Order;
  • Adjournment (called by the longest serving faculty member present).

Voting Procedures: Voting on routine matters requiring approval of the Academic Council shall be conducted by hand or voice vote. Vote by secret written ballot shall occur (1) at the request of any Council member, or (2) for any issue deemed by the Vice Chair, in the Vice Chair’s sole discretion, to be controversial in nature, or (3) for membership applications of part-time or visiting faculty, as enumerated in Article I and Article III Sections 2 and 3 for election of the Vice Chair and Secretary of the Council, as enumerated in Article V, Section 1. Ex officio members are excluded from voting. Standing Committee recommendations reached by a unanimous vote are not subject to a vote in Academic Council.

Standing Committee recommendations reached by an un-unanimous vote may require a majority vote of the Academic Council if requested by dissenting Committee members, or if a Standing Committee is unable to reach a decision. Standing Committees must prepare and distribute a ballot identifying any issue requiring the vote of the entire Council prior to the scheduled meeting.

All official Academic Council elections, recommendations and actions, unless otherwise indicated, shall require affirmation by a simple majority of a quorum of the current voting membership.

The Executive Committee will be responsible for counting and tabulating votes.

Confidentiality: Deliberations of the Academic Council shall be confidential; Dissemination of Council actions and recommendations shall be through the official minutes. All non-members present at Council meetings shall be identified and may be excused upon (1) request of the Chair or Vice Chair, or (2) majority vote of the Council members present.

Article VI - Forwarding Standing Committee Proposals to the Administration

Completed proposals, not specifically tied to a course, curriculum, or program from the Standing Committees, and Academic Council, will be forwarded to the Vice Chair of the Academic Council. The Vice Chair will review and submit the proposal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will review the proposal(s) with the Deans Council and report the resolution back to the Academic Council. If required, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, with consent from the Deans Council, will forward the proposal to the President. The President will bring proposals and recommendations requiring approval of the Board of Trustees at the next scheduled meeting, and the decision of the Board will be conveyed back to the Academic Council through the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Article VII - Contingency for Interim Academic Council Officers

Should the position of any elected Council officer become effectively vacant during an academic year, the Executive Committee shall convene and recommend candidates to fill the vacant position on the Council. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will call for a meeting of the Academic Council as soon as practicable with the sole purpose of electing new officers. At the Vice President’s discretion, nominations may be accepted from the floor. The Executive Committee shall then conduct an election pursuant to paragraph Article III, Section 4 to elect a replacement interim officer. An interim officer shall serve for the remainder of the current academic year. After the conclusion of the current academic year, an election shall be held for that office for a new two-year term. Notwithstanding term limits enumerated in Article V, Section 1, the replacement officer is eligible for election to the same position for a full term beginning at the start of the next regular term for that office.

Article VIII - Recall of Academic Council Officers

Any elected Council officer may be recalled for just cause by affirmative vote of at least three quarters (3/4) of a quorum of the current voting membership. Such vote shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 1

Article IX - Amendments to Academic Council Operating Bylaws

The Academic Council Operating Bylaws may be amended by affirmative vote of at least two thirds (2/3) of the current quorum of the voting Academic Council membership. Such vote shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 4 and Article V, Section 1. All proposed amendments to the Academic Council Operating Bylaws are subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. An amendment is considered in effect when also approved by the President of the University.

Policy updated on: Jun. 1, 2019