Reservation of university facilities


The purpose of this Policy is to establish policies, procedures, and guidelines for the use and/or rental of a University Facility or Facilities.


Lynn University facilities are held and made available for internal University use as the first priority. All space utilization is scheduled using the University’s space utilization software. Academic space is assigned by the Registrar’s Office. Internal use is scheduled by the Office of University Events. External requests will be considered and, when appropriate, efforts will be made to accommodate requests as received. The Office of Auxiliary Services handles all space requests and reservations for outside groups and organizations. Priority for room or facility utilization is given in the following order: classroom instruction, University events, state agencies, non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations. The University reserves the right to accommodate or deny availability at its sole discretion.

Reservation of Facilities

The sponsor of an event is classified under one of the three categories: internal, co-sponsored, or external.

1. Internal: Internal events are official Lynn University activities. Internal users are required to have a representative from their department or organization in attendance throughout the event. For internal University activities, faculty members, administrators, students, University sanctioned organization, and staff may reserve classrooms and other campus facilities at any time, subject to general availability.

a. Using facilities for personal purposes or under the pretense that there is a substantive relationship between the Lynn University department/organization and the event is considered to be “fronting.” Fronting is not permitted. For personal events, Lynn University faculty and staff members may request to reserve the University space as an external requestor.

b. Student organizations requesting the use of any facility as an internal user must have written authorization from the proper student organization advisor prior to submitting a written request to the Office of Special Events.

c. All internal events that include guests from off campus, with the exception of small groups and/or meetings with 10 or less guests must complete the "Form for Events with Off Campus Guests."

2. External: External events are not Lynn University internal activities. Requests must be submitted in writing at least 30 days in advance to the Office of Auxiliary Services. Requests made less than 30 days in advance will be considered on a case-by-case basis. External requests for reservations may be granted if:

a. The event does not conflict with a campus activity.

b. The event is appropriate to the mission of Lynn University.

c. The event is appropriate to the facility requested.

d. The external applicant agrees to abide by the University’s Terms of Use (see below) and accepts all costs incurred, including, but not limited to, the facility use fee, housekeeping, security, traffic, table and chair rental, fees, etc.

e. The external applicant agrees in advance to accept full responsibility for liability, injury, or damage to person, property, or equipment. The applicant shall hold the University and the University’s employees harmless from any claims, damages, or actions caused by the use of a Lynn University facility or equipment.

f. A vetting sheet is prepared by the Office of Auxiliary Services and shared with the Office of Marketing and Communication, Office of the Senior Vice President for Development and Administration and other areas deemed appropriate based on the location and type of function. Following approval by these various areas the vetting sheet is submitted to the Office of General Counsel for creation of a Facilities Use Agreement.

3. Co-Sponsorship: Co-sponsored events are defined as Lynn University-related events between community organizations and representatives of Lynn University. Co-sponsored events promote academic or professional development of students, faculty, and staff to benefit Lynn University and/or the community. Requests for a co-sponsored event must be submitted in writing at least 30 days in advance to the Office of University Events. The "Form for Events with Off Campus Guests" must be completed and approved by the department Vice President and Office of General Counsel to confirm the event. Requests made less than 30 days in advance will be considered on a case-by-case basis. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring University department/organization to:

a. Be directly involved in the coordination of the event from beginning to end and to accept all costs incurred, including the facility use fee, housekeeping, security, traffic, table and chair rental, etc. These costs will be charged to the sponsoring Lynn University departments’ budget, or the community organization.

b. Ensure that the community organization adheres to all Lynn University policies and guidelines. Special attention shall be given to compliance with the University’s policies regarding alcohol use and the handling of cash.

c. Have a Lynn University representative in attendance, from the beginning of the event until the end.

Terms of Use

1. General Conditions: Lynn University policies, rules, and regulations must be respected and followed by all users of facilities. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Users may not engage in activity that interferes with the Lynn University mission, programs, and freedom of movement by the campus community.

b. The University logo, insignia, trade, and service marks may not be used in conjunction with events that are not sponsored or co-sponsored by the University.

c. Alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed in Lynn University facilities unless approved in advance by the Office of General Counsel, or otherwise allowed pursuant to University policies.

d. Lynn University reserves the right to dismiss any event if deemed necessary.

e. Lynn University reserves the right to impose additional or special restrictions on facility usage as needed.

f. Smoking, tobacco and simulated tobacco use is prohibited in all campus facilities.

g. The use of candles is prohibited.

h. Organizations are responsible for leaving all facilities used in neat and orderly condition. Failure to do so may result in a service charge to the organization for cleaning or re-setting the facility.

i. When an external or co-sponsored event is open to the public, is outdoor, involves more than 150 people, or the nature of the activity so indicates the need, a Campus Safety officer may be assigned to the event. The sponsoring organization shall be responsible for all appropriate fees.

j. Only those facilities assigned on the dates and times specified may be used.

k. The number of participants shall not exceed the authorized room capacity.

l. The organization shall be responsible for the conduct of its members.

m. Requests to move special properties, decoration, or scenery, etc. into the University or onto the grounds prior to or on the date of the event must be approved in writing by the Senior Vice President for Administration.

n. Building keys will not be provided to any group.

o. Signage may be provided by the organization to direct participants to the event, but must be removed immediately after the event.

p. Furniture may not be relocated during the event. Furniture setups will be handled by the University if advance notification is given.

q. Parking shall be restricted to designated areas only.

r. Individuals must adhere to any other rules and regulations specific to the building or facility being reserved.

2. Promotional Disclaimer: External users may not state or imply Lynn University sponsorship or endorsement of their activities without the University’s consent. Promotional material and advertising for non-University sponsored activities must include the following disclaimer: “That is not a Lynn University program.”

Use Fees

The use of Lynn University facilities by non-University related groups is subject to a fee to cover utilities, maintenance, security (if necessary), parking, and other costs. If the use requires special services or equipment from the Lynn University, additional charges may be made for these services. Fees are determined and approved by the Office of the Senior Vice President for Administration and Development. In the event of a cancellation, written notification must be given at least 48 hours in advance in order to be eligible to receive a refund.

To learn more about this policy or the supporting procedures, please contact University Events.

Policy updated on: Jun. 1, 2020