Master of Music in Instrumental Collaborative PianoMaster of Music

CIP: 500903

This is a two-year program of study at the post-baccalaureate level for students of piano. Students will pursue advanced studies in instrumental collaboration through extensive practical experience in both the studio and on stage through a practicum divided evenly amongst all studios. Weekly applied lessons, instrumental lessons, chamber coaching, seminar participation and a weekly studio class compliment coursework in piano literature, pedagogy and other music academics providing the student with the tools needed to attain professional competence and specialization in the area of instrumental collaboration.

M.M. degree in collaborative piano completion requirements

  1. Complete the degree in four calendar years from the date on a student’s initial registration or be held to any new degree requirements
  2. Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA
  3. Complete GSR 501, Graduate Orientation Seminar (one credit)
  4. Complete 36 credits of music courses, including four semesters of applied music study (12 credits), four semesters of small ensemble (4 credits), one academic music course (3 credits), collaborative piano courses (14 credits), Piano Pedagogy (3 credits), four semesters of Performance Forum (0 credit), one full student collaborative recital (0 credit) and pass a comprehensive exam (0 credit) given near the conclusion of degree study.
  5. Performance requirements include two departmental recitals, one mock audition, two juries (zero credits), two concerto competitions and one John Oliveira string competition.
Instrumental collaborative piano 28 credits
Course number Course name Course credits
GSR 501 Graduate Orientation Seminar 1
MUP 526 Advanced Collaborative Piano Literature I: The Instrumental Sonata and Concerto 2
MUP 527 Advanced Collaborative Piano Literature II: Chamber, Vocal and Orchestral Repertoire 2
MUP 529 Piano Pedagogy 3
MUP 601 Seminar in Collaborative Piano I: Skills of Instrumental Accompanying 1
MUP 602 Seminar in Collaborative Piano II: Issues of Performance 1
MUP 603 Collaborative Piano: Practicum* 8
MUR 501 Performance Forum (4 semesters at 0 credit) 0
MUR 600 Graduate Recital 0
MUR 601 Comprehensive Exam 0
MUS 502 Applied Instrument Collaborative Piano 3
MUS 511 Small Ensemble (4 semesters-1credit**) 4
MUG, MUH, MUT 500+ Music Academic Elective*** 3

* M.M. students: Five documented hours per week. Candidates will complete two semesters of string practicum and one each of woodwinds and brass/percussion in no predetermined order. Assignments will include participation in lessons, master classes and studio class as assigned by teacher.

** MUP 605, Seminar in Solo Piano may be taken as a substitute for small ensemble (MUS 511) once, with instructor approval.

***Music Academic Electives may be selected from the following courses: MUG 580 Music Entrepreneurship, MUH 530 Bibliography and Research Skills, MUH 562, 563, 566, 568 Seminars in Music History (various topics) and MUT 570 Analytical Techniques of Music.

Total 28 credits