Celebrating 50 years of service

Gregory J. Malfitano is recognized for his impact at Lynn University.
Presenters from Greg Malifitano's 50th Anniversary
Presenters and attendees (from left to right): Kevin M. Ross, Donald E. Ross, Helen L. Ross, Hector Irastroza, Kathy Kroupa, John Langan, Ryan Malfitano, Kristen Migliano, Taylor Malfitano

Lynn University had the honor of celebrating its Senior Major Gift Officer, Gregory J. Malfitano '73, '75, for his 50 years of service to the institution. From director of housing and senior vice president of Adminstration and Development to his current role as a senior major gifts officer, he has overseen the planning and construction of capital projects and played a primary role in creating Lynn's legendary athletics program.

For over half a century, Greg truly made the institution his home. He is a steward and caretaker of Lynn's campus and its community. To honor him and his service, faculty, staff, friends and donors gathered in the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center for a reception and presentation.

President Kevin M. Ross kicked off the presentation with a nod to Greg's lasting friendship, mentorship and unwavering commitment to Lynn. Throughout the night, the guest of honor was voted into the class of 2024 Athletic Hall of Fame and given a proclamation from Scott Singer, Boca Raton city mayor. Hector Irastroza, former deputy assistant to the President of the United States, took the stage to present Greg with a porcelain Boehm Bird given to Ronald Reagan and George H. Bush, which typically resides in the West Wing of the White House. Irastroza also gave Greg blazer buttons signed by both Reagan and Bush from their 1981 inauguration and read a congratulatory letter from George W. and Laura Bush.

Today, Greg serves as a trusted advisor to President Kevin M. Ross and continues his fundraising efforts as senior major gift officer.

Attendees from the celebration